Reyesさんが投稿にコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
Great work, Such wonderful talent.
Such talent should not go to waste.
Reyesさんが投稿Exploring Creativity with Skillshareにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
I believe this program can really be useful.
Reyesさんが投稿Missy Dunawayにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
Great painting. Really wonderful.
Reyesさんが投稿Share your color journey @stailuanにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
Great Photos. Very legit.
Reyesさんが投稿Share your color journeyにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
It looks fun. My color would be blue.