Markさんが投稿なぜmyMoleskineに参加する?にコメントしました 2 years, 4 months前
A lot of good reason to join. Thanks for sharing.
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Markさんが投稿myMoleskine〜インスピレーションを求める旅に参加しようにコメントしました 2 years, 4 months前
This was amazing. It is very inspiring to pursue arts.
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Markさんが投稿myMoleskine 作者たちのスライドショーにコメントしました 2 years, 4 months前
This was awesome. Great work.
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Markさんが投稿Bradley Theodore: 名誉ある「月の作家」にコメントしました 2 years, 4 months前
Wow. Congratulations. You deserve it.
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Markさんが投稿PIETRO CATAUDELLA – 真のアーティストにコメントしました 2 years, 4 months前
Great Photography skills. It was very impressive. Great work.
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Markさんが投稿にコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
His visions are very great. A very talented artist. Keep it up.
http://www.handyman-santarosa.com/ -
A very talented artist. He deserves international recognition. Keep it up.
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Markさんが投稿Exploring Creativity with Skillshareにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
Great talent. Keep it up.
Drywall Santa Clarita -
Love the posters. Very talented artist.
Drywall Santa Barbara -
Markさんが投稿Missy Dunawayにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
The painting is so beautiful. I really love the stories behind it.
http://www.concretesantabarbara.com/ -
Markさんが投稿Share your color journey @stailuanにコメントしました 3 years, 2 months前
The photos are authentic and really meaningful. I really love it and will be recommending it at concrete chico