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The Secrets for a Perfect Workspace

How do you arrange your workspace?
Show us yours: snap a picture of how you arrange your desk or workspace for maximum productivity.
Expired on November 25th, 2016.


The Secrets for a Perfect Workspace

How do you arrange your workspace?

How you choose to organize your workspace can help increase productivity and happiness, and represents the first step on the long road to success.

According to the ancient practice of Feng Shui, keeping a landscape picture on your desk helps bring positive energy, and having a large leaf plant can improve your fortunes. And make sure you have a solid wall behind your seat for stability!

This week we’re saluting the arrival of our Year of the Monkey, Shanghai Tang Limited Edition with a new Creativity Challenge dedicated to the secrets behind a successful worskpace.

Show us yours: snap a picture of how you arrange your desk or workspace for maximum productivity, and upload it with the tag #M_myWorkspace.

Expired on November 25th. The winner of this Creativity Challenge is Doris K. 

(Need some inspiration? You can download our Feng Shui Tips for the Office in the “Workshops” section here.)



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