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How have you customized your notebook?


How have you customized your notebook?

A clean, spotless notebook can be nice, but who hasn’t indulged in a little handmaking to give it that personal touch?

There are plenty of ways in which you can make your notebook one-of-a-kind: from customizing your cover in various ways to dividing sections with tabs, from adding extra ribbons to hacking your finished book into a pen holder.
For this Creativity Challenge, we’re asking you to show us how you have modified your notebook to make it truly yours. We know you did!

Send us a photograph of your notebook using the tag #MoleskineHack.

If your entry is the best among the 3 most voted ones, we’ll send you a very special package including a one-of-a-kind Custom Moleskine Toolbelt, a unique version of our very own notebook hack.

Expired on March 25th. The winner of this Creativity Challenge is Francesco Lubian.



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