Horea commented on the post, Missy Dunaway 3 years ago
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Horea commented on the post, 2020 – What really matters 3 years ago
I love how inspiring and motivating your article is. I am in awe of reading this. Thank you so much.
Horea commented on the post, 2020 – What really matters 3 years ago
Being alive and healthy during this trying time is the best blessing of all.
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Horea commented on the post, Why join myMoleskine 3 years ago
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Horea commented on the post, Why join myMoleskine 3 years ago
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Horea commented on the post, Exploring Creativity with Skillshare 4 years ago
Skillshare should be learned by freelancers. It’d be very useful in so many ways.
Horea commented on the post, Share your color journey 4 years ago
Colors play a huge part of our space and things, as well as our life.
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