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My original resolution was to devote 2014 to creative pursuits. I intended to model the lettering of words “CREATE YOUR LIFE” after the Canter typeface I used in a promo poster design for the #OneThing personal creative challenge. Writing the word “Handwriting” in cursive seemed obvious.

I started in pencil, in my usual cheapo sketchbook. I wanted to plan my design the way I would for digital typography in Illustrator. I quickly discovered how difficult it is to keep text in proportion by hand. I started over 8 times before I came up with a solution simple enough for my novice skills.

The words “And Practice Handwritting” came to me as I finally started working in my prized Moz Moleskine notebook for the first time. I inserted them easily and with confidence. because of my new found respect for the art of old fashioned typography.

The photo concept represents the contrast between my typical digital environment and the physical world. That notebook and pen are sitting on my laptop beneath the soft glow of my monitor.

Happy #HandwritingDay everyone!




