SaraRobinsさんが投稿Free your true selfにコメントしました 1 year, 10 months前
Thank you for this wonderful challenge for self-discovery. The bullet journal can also be a self-portrait that represents you. Moreover, it’s a great way to track your activities: […]
Thank you for this creativity challenge. It was a great pleasure for me to participate in it! These great techniques helped me improve the creative process and complete this challenge: […]
SaraRobinsさんが投稿にコメントしました 1 year, 10 months前
Taking a different look at your surroundings by adding some magic to it is a great way to add some creativity to your photography.
SaraRobinsさんが投稿Share your color journeyにコメントしました 1 year, 10 months前
Thank you for this creativity challenge and downloadable grid template. While drawing the scene, I seemed to plunge into my subconscious.
SaraRobinsさんが投稿M is for Momentsにコメントしました 1 year, 10 months前
It’s important to focus on the power of ideas sometimes and let your creative side shine. This will help develop creativity, find harmony with yourself, and even get rid of stress.
SaraRobinsさんが登録済みメンバーになりました 1 year, 11 months前