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Lucasfilm ILM Moleskine

A friend works at Lucasfilm and I was able to pick this up at the Employee Store during a quick walk-thru (non-public) tour…  Sorry, it's not for sale and I can not get any more.  Other than the silver embossing it is a standard Storyboard Moleskine.





  1. 匿名

    Following Theo’s idea – maybe emboss by tracing/sketching the design, emboss down with a smooth hard object of some sort. Then, come back with a permanent “paint” type Sharpie or metallic pen of some sort. Finally, perhaps spray over with some kind of clear coat spray, e.g. like that used on pastel and charcoal art work.

  2. 匿名

    You guys are on a roll. I have an old wax seal kit complete with stamps (for sealing envelopes with wax). I wonder if I can heat the seals enough to emboss the designs into my Moleskine covers. I have experience with the silver Sharpie markers, and they write on just about everything. I imagine they’d stick to the cover without smearing but you probably wouldn’t see it over the black. You’d really need a true paint marker IMO.

    ILM! Very cool!

  3. katiethompson

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