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Wanted to switch to a smaller version of my weekly planner but did not much like the shade of red.  It always looks so much better in the pictures than in person, so I decided to change it.


I used a cotton pad to soak-up some black sharpie ink, and then rubbed it all over my planner.  Afterwards, I used nail polish removed to kind of give it a distressed look.


Once that was complete, I added some “bling.”

… a tab over the elastic band (which I used the same sharpie to color black). 


I also colored the ribbon marker black after adding a jumpring and crystal bead.






  1. Lucy Croghan 投稿の作成者

    I used a chipboard scrapbooking tab. I cut if with an exacto knife behind where the elastic was going to be so that you wouldn’t see the cut. I then used Crazy Glue to glue the tab to the elastic, which automatically glued it closed. It does not slip.

    A word of warning… although I used a permanent marker, depending on what the planner rubs against, the marker will rub off. While this only adds character to the planner’s finish, my tablet’s white cover is starting to take on a character of it’s own. Personally, I don’t mind this, but others might. I had tried using a permanent stamping pigment on a previous book, but that also rubbed off EVERYWHERE, so I tried the Sharpie, which has a lot less bleed.

