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I take my business cards and my Moleskine everywhere. So why not combine the two? After thinking of how I could acheieve this, I did none other than sketch the idea down in my Moleskine and put into production a prototype of the idea. It came out better than I expected and works wonderful. It dosn't feel bulky at all, of course I only added about 10 business cards. Theres still plenty of room for more.

It is simple. You can download the .PDF file and print! Fits the standard size business card. You can open it up in any program and customize it with colors or as you please, make it as you like. This was just the basic, plain and simple template I went with.

You can also trim the edges. I wanted my cards to "stick" out a little bit, to make them easier to grap and pull out. Theres some free space in there too so your cards edges won't get all chipped up and jagged.

I reccomend using doubled-sided scrapbooking tape for the back to attatch it; it works great. Even the little ones you can just punch out the squares.

I currently have it for download on my personal website if anybody is interested as a .PDF file. Download link should be below for more information since I cannot post the file on here.

Hope it can help!




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