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At the fictional Shaw Aquarium, Abigail and Michelle, two black belt members of the fictional Soul Underwater martial arts/dance company, reenact a fight in the company of fish swimming about…and for the viewing pleasure of their rapt audience

For Janeen

Based on my occasional visits to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Inspired by a conversation years ago with a former coworker, now a professional photographer, who shared with me a vision for her art

Imagined over breakfast at Panera Bakery State Street between 6:30 and 7:00 AM, June 21. Developed over lunch/work breaks overnight. Finished at 1:24 PM (hours before third shift), June 24.

Crayola, Faber-Castell, and Prismacolor colored pencils; Crayola and Expo art markers, a Prismacolor Premier illustration marker, and a Sharpie
On a Moleskine cahier notebook
3.5″ x 5.5″





