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Last year somebody told me ‘Stay weird’ – what a short sentence with a lot of meaning. From that on; I stopped apologising too much for being a kind of weird I am. I still apologise a bit though, I think I say sorry a bit too much and say what I really mean a bit too little.

But then, I think that’s just how people rolls.

“The world can be amazing when you’re slightly strange”
― Author Unkonwn.

From my blog: http://eugeniaclara.com/post/133331921971





  1. Lisa

    Yes, I admit, I have always had difficulty writing essays and term papers. But I solved it with the help of my classmates. When it was time to write my dissertation, I realized that no one could help me, because this is the most difficult task. I decided to turn to professional writers and they were able to write my dissertation for me quickly and efficiently. I paid quite a bit and successfully completed my degree.

