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Vera stopped suddenly, She had reached the base of the steps. She looked behind at the steep steps she just walked, not remembering much about the trip down. She was lost in thought. She was overjoyed at the fact that she had solved it at last and furious that she took this long. Thanks to the full moon else it would have been a dreadful fall.

She turned to look at what was in front of her. The path ahead was dark and dense. She wondered if this was a good idea, suddenly aware of the place she was about to walk into. She felt a chill run down her spine, but pushed it aside and walked ahead. Nature seems to have be extremely cruel to this place. Most tombstones were crumbled or completely swallowed up by the forest. She was getting closer, her gut told her. It was getting too difficult to see as the trees became more dense and was blocking almost all the moonlight. “This is going to be hard”, she thought to herself. She put her hand into her coat pocket to pull out her phone light but stopped all of a sudden.
She knew she was being watched.





