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When I was a kid, my father used to bring to me small black notebooks home for me to do my first drawings, I used them without knowing anything about their story, nevertheless, it was absolutely a pleasure to start off a brand new little notebook, for me it was a very important object during those days, time went through and I began using some other materials. But a few time ago, thanks to our friend Héctor Garza, who gave us as a present these marvelous treasures (that’s what they mean for us) for participating during his conference cycle at the “Festivalito Comiquero” (“Little Comic Festival”), we were able to reencounter the fascinating world of the Moleskine notebook, mythical notebook that only until that day we were able to know part of its story which came written within the notebook. The Moleskine was used by European artists and intellectuals from the last centuries. This notebook’s format was very useful for its transportation, in fact, we carry them in our jackets, so that at any time we are able to draw or take notes wherever or whenever we want to. These notes and sketches are useful for us to do the definite layouts later on, whether they be for a comic, illustration, publicity idea or just doodling.





