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Raffaello Sanzio, or better known as Raphael, is one of the great artists of the Renaissance period. Raphael had expertise in painting and architecture, so he was often employed to create works of art and decorate buildings around town.

However, like most artists of his time, Raphael also had difficulty finding work. Especially after his heyday as an artist began to fade and he lost the support of some of his important customers.

Raphael eventually decided to look for work in big cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice, hoping to find a new job that matched his talents and abilities. However, in every city he visited, Raphael managed to find only less challenging jobs, and often had to rely on financial support from his family and friends.

Even so, Raphael did not give up and kept trying to improve his skills in painting and making architecture. He also looks for opportunities to show his talent by making small paintings and participating in various art competitions.

Eventually, Raphael managed to find a better job after being introduced to Pope Julius II, who then hired him to decorate the Sistine Kappella. This brought Raphael to the peak of his success as an artist and produced some of the most famous works of art in the history of painting.

Raphael’s story of looking for work persistently and not giving in to adversity has become an inspiration for many young artists today. In this competitive world of art, hard work and determination are the keys to success in a career as an artist.





