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Hilma af Klint was a Swedish artist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He is best known for his work which is considered to be one of the beginnings of the abstract art movement. However, throughout his life, he faced difficulties finding a stable job and relied on financial support from his family.

Hilma af Klint’s early interest in art began when she worked as a scientific illustrator. However, he later turned to painting and took courses at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm. Despite this, he had trouble finding work that matched his interest in the arts and often worked as a teacher to make some money.

In the early 20th century, Hilma af Klint became a member of a group of artists called “The Five”. This group consists of five Swedish female artists who explore the occult and spirituality in their art. Hilma af Klint created a series of paintings inspired by her spiritual experiences, including works that are considered the beginnings of abstract art.

However, Hilma af Klint’s works were not well received by the art community at that time. He has difficulty finding galleries or exhibitions willing to display his work. In fact, some of his paintings were never seen by anyone else during his lifetime.

Despite that, Hilma af Klint continues to work as an artist and creates works that are very innovative and daring. After his death in 1944, his paintings were eventually discovered by other artists and art critics and began to be recognized as one of the early originators of the abstract art movement.

Hilma af Klint’s story shows how difficult it is to find work in the art world, especially for artists who produce works that are unconventional. However, he remained persistent and dedicated to his work and eventually became one of the most respected artists of the 20th century.





