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Everyone knows that a rose is a symbol of boundless love. True love never dies; it simply passes into a new quality.
Once Diana, the ancient Roman goddess of the hunt, was inflamed with tender feelings for Cupid, the god of love. Like all loving men, Cupid could not remain faithful to Diana for a long time and was fascinated by the beautiful forest nymph Rozas. Upon learning of this, Diana was subjected to unbearable torments of jealousy. For a long time she fought with her feelings, but once, finding Rozas alone and without Cupid’s protection, the goddess of the hunt grabbed a defenseless girl and threw her onto a rose hip bush. The tender body of the nymph could not stand the wounds received from the sharp thorns, and the nymph died. Having rushed to the aid of his beloved, Cupid was no longer able to change something, and all that was left for him was to bitterly mourn his beloved. But at that moment a miracle happened: delightful flowers with a wonderful aroma appeared on the rosehip bushes. It was the first rose bush that said – there is no need to cry, love, if it is real, will always live …





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