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A visual artist in his time had difficulty finding work that matched his talents. He has a tendency to create works of art that are very different from others, which makes it difficult for him to find work in the established arts industry.

The artist continues to seek to develop his talent and gain recognition for his work, but continues to struggle to find stable work. He does not want to change the art style he has developed, because he feels that this is the essence of the uniqueness of his work.

In overcoming this difficulty, the artist began to look for alternatives to earn income. He began exploring a more alternative art market and offering his work independently to collectors.

In the process, the artist managed to find a huge market share and became one of the most well-known artists of his time. His unique and different works make him highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts.

Andy Warhol, the famous visual artist, had difficulty finding work that matched his talents because of his unique and different art style. However, he managed to overcome these difficulties and become one of the most famous artists of his time.





