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fh373g-qw2-we / Figures collection: home version-{$M}

Figures collection: home version – {$M} Photograph by Leni Smoragdova
Limited Edition: of 10
In 2016, I created the TransactionInSelfie project – and began to collect photos from around the world with hidden faces.
In 2020, it became a historical chronicle of a new reality.

We found ourselves in a closed system, where the heroes of the plots are life.
So there was a new version of the collection of figures.
I called it “Figures Collection: home version”. – {$M}





  1. Cole

    The nuanced colors, shades, and strokes work together to give a profound sense of depth and emotion. It’s a testament to the artist’s skill in creating such powerful figures. Interestingly, that reminds me about custom paintings from photos by Photo2Painting. They, too, deliver an admirable level of artistry, transforming everyday photos into vibrant works of art. This artwork and Photo2Painting’s pieces have in common the ability to create strong emotional connections through their stunning visual narratives.

