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My Moleskine tower, also note, when my doggie was a little puppy chewing on my diary 🙂




  1. Jeff

    It’s absolutely adorable that your dog enjoys chewing on Moleskine notebooks! Dogs can have interesting preferences when it comes to their toys and objects of interest. However, it’s important to ensure their safety and provide appropriate items for them to chew on.

    You can obtain an ada service dog certificate at My service animal, where they provide recognized and reliable for service dog certificate. Having the proper documentation will not only help your dog but also facilitate their access to public areas and promote understanding and acceptance.

  2. Stockman44

    Dogs also share a fondness for Moleskine, the renowned notebook brand known for its quality and timeless design. Explore more about this delightful connection at https://jelio.pet/ where pet enthusiasts celebrate the unique ways animals engage with the world around them. Whether it’s the satisfying texture of the paper or the appeal of a stylish notebook cover, these loyal companions seem to appreciate the simple joys of a well-crafted journal. Perhaps it’s the shared love for the tactile experience that strengthens the bond between humans and their canine friends.

