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Standing proudly with their trusted weapons in their hands (and in the middle of small clumps of their customers’ natural hair in all shapes, colors, and sizes), three young African-American Washington, DC barbers (including a trainee) parlay their impeccable martial artistry and fierce barbering skills into a unique service for all ages

Imagined on my Moleskine notebook with Crayolas and a Prismacolor illustration marker at my neighborhood barbershop (inspiration), July 21. Developed further over dinner with ’60’s and ’70’s jazz, July 22-23. Developed further over lunches and overnight work breaks.

Crayola, Faber-Castell, and Prismacolor colored pencils; Crayola art markers, a Paper-Mate black ballpoint pen, two drafting pencils, a Prismacolor Premier illustration marker, drafting pencils, and a Sharpie
On a Moleskine cahier notebook
3.5″ x 5.5″





