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Share your colorful world

Get creative as you draw, sketch, paint or photograph the colors inside and outside of your window.
Entries closed 23 August.

Share your colorful world

Different hues have the power to spark the imagination and kick start fresh ideas.
Certain tones can move us, or give us energy.
Some colors remember, others bring hope. Think of zingy citrus that lifts the heart, or thoughtful blues that plunge you into deep cool calm.

Share your story through the colors that fill the world inside and outside of your window.

1. Draw, sketch, paint, photograph or create a collage full of color. Choose either one shade as a theme or build a rainbow to represent your mood.

2. Upload on myMoleskine or post on Instagram with #MoleskineCity #Moleskine

A selection of artworks will be shared on our global social profiles to create connections between myMoleskine users and keep inspiration flowing.

Entries closed August 23.

Image by Gabriel Zangari, @designgroupitalia and myMoleskine community member.

Outcome of myMoleskine Creativity Challenge

Thank you to all who shared their creative side with us as part of the “Share your colorful world” Creativity Challenge!

Here is a gallery of the favorite submissions from myMoleskine and Instagram, ready to be explored.



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