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Illustrate your favorite Beatles song

We are paying homage to one of the greatest bands of all times with a new Limited Edition and here's your chance to receive a copy delivered right to your door: illustrate your favorite song or album with the tag #M_TheBeatles

Illustrate your favorite Beatles song

We are paying homage to one of the greatest bands of all times with a new Limited Edition and here’s your chance to receive a copy delivered right to your door.

Illustrate your favorite Beatles song or album and post a photograph of the artwork using the tag #M_TheBeatles.

If your upload is the best among the 3 most voted ones, we’ll send you a box full of Moleskine goodness, including a copy of the brand new The Beatles Limited Edition Collection.

You have time until September 21st to join!

The winner of this Creativity Challenge is Marta Bettucci



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6 投稿作品


  1. Freida

    The Beatles had a ridiculous number of hit songs, but there are at least a few that stand out as being particularly popular. The songs you decide to illustrate may depend on what kind of Beatles fan you are, or they may be whichever ones you feel would be most interesting or entertaining to illustrate. I have hired https://www.toppaperwritingservice.com/review-of-kibin-com/ to start writing my thesis on this very topic. The Beatles have had an enduring influence on popular culture and music – but their success was not purely musical. Their album sleeves are works of art in their own right, and their songs have inspired countless beautiful illustrations over the years.

  2. jahny1

    The Beatles had a ridiculous number of hit songs, but there are at least a few that stand out as being particularly popular. The songs you decide to illustrate may depend on what kind of Beatles fan you are, or they may be whichever ones you feel would be most interesting or entertaining to illustrate. https://anonymousukpi.com/


