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The intricacy of the paperband

Upload your work using #M_wrapper

The intricacy of the paperband

How to wrap your notebook?
This week’s Creativity Challenge is inspired by the intricacy of the paperband.
Inspired by a recent Special Edition Moleskine Watercolour Notebook created for the American Federation of Arts, we’re creating “wrappers” for our notebooks; sleeves to contain the little black rectangle and the thoughts and drawings within.

Create a wrapper for your notebook using a technique of your choice: hack it, cut it and glue it, taking inspiration from Kehinde Wiley.

Upload your work to our gallery by November 17th. Tag it #M_wrapper and vote for your favorite uploads. The highest rated will win a special package from Moleskine containing the Special Editions no. 89 of 250.

View and vote on all the creations already submitted here.

Expired on 19th November 2013. The winner of this Creativity Challenge is Xin Yi Dong.


