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Hello my dear visitors and fellow artists!

This is my very first sketchbook tour. I have a lot of sketchbooks but I decided to start with this one. I was using it between January and December of last year. It was used to practice my character drawing skills. You will find also some fanarts (Street Fighter, DBZ 😀 !)

This sketchbook is Moleskine The Hobbit limited edition. I am such a Moleskine hoarder 😀

Please share some comments below how do you like this sketchbook tour. I want to do a lot more videos like this in the future.


Where you can find me:
DeviantArt: mannequin-atelier.deviantart.com
Tumblr: kasiaslupecka.tumblr.com
Twitter: twitter.com/KasiaSlupecka
Instagram: @manequim





