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Stop. Take a moment. But don’t let your guard down. No never that. Gaze out over the ominous landscape before you. All tall buildings and jagged edges. Take in a deep breath, let the miasma fill your lungs. Listen to the busy every day sounds of the city at night. Clanging bottles, rustling newspapers all blaring CORRUPTION in bold letters. Screams and fist fights. Its dangerous out here. Even more so at night. Start walking, find shelter. Don’t stay out longer than you need to. Unless of course your one of those shady types. Are you up to no good? If so I hope your listening. Listening to the fearful whispering of crooks. The brave challenges shouted in drunken stupors. I hope your watching every shadow closely. For within this city is a man who strikes fear in even the coldest of hearts. One who has taken justice into his own fists. The Dark Knight. BATMAN. -A.R.





