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August 2013, beyond expectation, doctor said Mama is in final stage of Cirrhosis Liver, how come? and nothing can be done except transplantation which is almost impossible for her. So I started writing about Mama’s condition on my Moleskine London, i had my trips to Egypt and USA written there but writing about Mama is now much more important. I should write about her condition along with the data of her limited food, very limited drink, that we had to write down even the 5 ml liquid from a slice of apple she consumed, and her urine, for 24 hours for every single day. January 9th, she was unconscious, when she finally awoke, though we still have months with her, but we had only 5 days instead. January 15th Mama passed away with everyone she loves surrounding her and instead of leaving us all with very sick face and figure, she passed away as a pretty woman who has beautiful smile as always. God gave me the best 5 months to take care of Mama. The best mother, the best friend and the best diary for every moment i had in life. This Moleskine London has to stop its journey after i finish listing every beautiful moments i had with Mama.





