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June I think that at some point in my life I have to stop abusing myself. I have to learn how to tell the difference between something that is absolutely good for me and something that feels good to me. Being in your life would be great. I would be so happy to be someone who you feel you consider a friend. That make me very happy. At the same time as happy as that would make me. I can only imagine the emotions that I would feel because of the past time we’ve had. I think about it often. To often enough to be able to be a great friend for you. So I’m “walking away” like you’ve been suggesting for awhile. You need good friends in life, I heard somewhere and that wouldn’t be me. So I’m going to start to really love myself and stop carving up my heart. I have to stop putting holes in my heart. It’s me doing this to myself. I have to stop. Have a amazing life because you deserve it June you really do….???

-Jah – Created in Moleskine Journal




