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Teresa Brashear

United States


Meet the Author

Teresa Brashear grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from California State University. She spent seven years working in Washington, D.C. in PR agency and moved back in LA. Now she is HR-manager in IT company, successful writer at resumebros and mom. She really knows how do you write a cover letter for a job, so if you have problems with it, ask her. When she isn’t glued to a laptop screen, she spends free time working in the garden, learning French and Chinese, and trying to be good volleyball player in amateur team. Summary Statements The summary section of your resume is possibly the most important part of your resume.  It is also one of the few sections of your resume that is in paragraph form rather than bullet points or stand-alone sentences.  As with other areas of your resume, try to keep it down to six or fewer lines of text.  Though the summary is in paragraph form, it is often not written in syntactically complete sentences: see the examples below. An Ideal Summary Includes Your profession, or the desired position Your unique qualifications: your expertise, your broad range of skills, the environments in which you have worked, your history of achievements (awards, promotions). Your characteristics that suit you to this job: attitude, organizational skills, interpersonal skills, motivational skills Your goal in your career and how this job will help you to achieve it.  


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