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  • Aceさんが更新情報を投稿しました 1 year, 4 months前

    Continuous Data Protection (CDP) provides you with the peace of mind that your data is consistently backed up at frequent intervals. In the past, this capability was mainly accessible to high-end databases and storage solutions, necessitating the establishment of intricate duplicate infrastructures for online data replication. Maintaining replicated copies across multiple infrastructures and environments was resource-intensive and not feasible for everyone.

    However, with Virtual Vault, you can now have the assurance of data safety. This software automatically detects and backs up new content the moment it’s saved, diligently monitoring all subsequent changes. Enabling CDP is as simple as a single checkmark.
    Visit : https://ace-data.com/Blog/Details/why-continuous-data-protection-is-important




アクティブな1 year, 4 months前