I've kept Moleskine 365 Day diaries going every day for over 10 years. Never missed a day. I've tried dozens of pens and methods for keeping them handy. I found a pen called, "lePen" that is very thin, has extremely dark ink and does not bleed through the page (also very important). It's small enough to simply clip on the spine. No alteration needed! I have to replace the pen every couple of months, but they are pretty inexpensive. I like a fresh new tip every now and then anyway.
Hi, I wish to know where I can buy LePen. I live in Manila, but I do travel. Let me know.
Amazon seem to sell them.
Here is a link to those pens on Amazon, but really, any thin felt tip would probably work as long as the ink doesn’t bleed. I just like these because they are so skinny they fit nicely on the book: http://tinyurl.com/ycf5dgld