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  1. Legolasix

    Binary options trading crypto options could be an excellent way to capitalize on your knowledge of the crypto markets.However, there are a few things to keep in mind since this form of investing may be highly dangerous. Always do your homework before investing, start small, and be prepared for both losses and gains. There are additional things you may do to help lower your risk. For example, only invest money that you can afford to lose. Also, before investing, conduct your research and ensure that you comprehend the market. Finally, select a reliable broker with an outstanding trading interface. By following these suggestions, you may help limit your risk while trading binary options. Remember that, although binary options may be lucrative, they are also high-risk. Before you invest any money, be sure you understand the dangers.

  2. Douglas

    Very unexpected discussion)) The world seems to have gone crazy with crypto. However, it is undeniable that this way of making money pays off very well. But here’s the question. The Islamic world is very difficult to trade in those things that were not mentioned in the Koran. I know that there are many prohibitions in the Shariah on the subject of doing business. How do the mullahs treat someone who starts trading on the stock exchange? Is this considered haram?

  3. Simon

    Greetings! I can’t say that I’m an expert but my brother has been living in Dubai for 6 years and we often chat about local rules. Dubai is considered a tourist destination and is open to anyone who wants to visit it. But don’t be fooled. You will have to abide by all the rules of the Muslim world if you plan to live there. As for business .. What can be called controversial is discussed many times and one decision is made – https://www.binaryoptions.com/broker/islamic/ As you can see, the Quran does not prevent you from making informed decisions when it comes to making money. So you can safely develop your online business in a Muslim country.

