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Our expedition to the Panama Canal is the most documented trip I’ve ever undertaken.
Including those posted on Instagram I took more than 1500 pictures. Each day I took copious notes in the field and kept a daily journal in my Moleskine Japanese album.
I wasn’t sure if I would be able to print pictures on the ship, so I kept a 3×3 piece of card-stock in the journal pocket so I could outline the area and make a note where each picture would go when I got access to a printer.





  1. Stockman44

    The “Expedición al Canal de Panamá” embarked on a thrilling journey through the historic waterway. As the team prepared for their adventure, they meticulously secured equipment with heavy duty packing tape, ensuring resilience against the challenges ahead. The canal’s rich history unfolded before them, offering a glimpse into the engineering marvel that reshaped global trade. The tape symbolized their commitment to preserving memories as they navigated this iconic passage, connecting oceans and cultures.

