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Sketch of the day no 1309 in my moleskine sketchbook: sake cups in blue and white 💙





  1. akbarali

    Hermetik Akademie Kurse, or courses offered by the Hermetik Akademie, provide a unique and enriching exploration into the depths of Hermetic wisdom. These courses go beyond conventional learning, immersing participants in the profound teachings of Hermeticism, which encompass spiritual alchemy, esoteric symbolism, and the pursuit of universal truths. Each Kurs serves as a transformative journey, guiding students through the principles of Hermetic philosophy, the practice of mystical rituals, and the decoding of sacred geometry. Hermetik Akademie Kurse not only impart theoretical knowledge but also encourage experiential learning, inviting participants to apply these ancient teachings to their own spiritual and personal development. As a beacon for seekers of esoteric knowledge, Hermetik Akademie Kurse offers a gateway to the timeless mysteries of Hermeticism, fostering a deeper understanding of the self and the cosmos.

