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A spread I did in a fellow artist’s Moleskine as part of a Moleskine Exchange between 12 artists. The theme is Bearing Fruit, inspired by our orchard when it was in full bloom. We have about 200 trees, which are mostly apple but also include plum, apricot, and pear. Our trees bloomed beautifully last spring and then were hit by a late and hard freeze the first weekend of May. It turned out to be a blessing, though, because my husband had a heart attack that spring (which he thankfully survived and is now thriving) and so harvesting the fruit would have been challenging last year.

This year, however, we’re ready for a bounty, literally and otherwise. And the pomegranate? I lived in Granada (Spanish for “pomegranate”) in my 20s, trying to be an artist and writer and failing miserably due to loneliness and being lost. But the pomegranate shows up a lot in my art these days, I think as a symbol of bearing fruit.





