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  • metalさんが更新情報を投稿しました 1 year, 7 months前

    Requirements for testing aluminium users
    Transmission, automotive, aerospace, defence, and packaging and/or cans for the food and pharmaceutical industries are just a few of the vital industries that the aluminium industry supports. The most diverse range of industries and uses employ aluminium, and each one has strict standards for the calibre of materials supplied. Having the proper equipment is therefore essential for both buyers and vendors used By Metal Power. As aluminium is the most recycled metal in the world, this is used for testing incoming materials, melts, master alloys, finished goods, as well as scrap!
    The following are the two essential criteria for Aluminium testing:
    >elemental composition examination of the metals and melt
    >Checking the hydrogen concentration of molten metal to reduce it and so remove porosity

    For more info visit : https://www.metalpower.net/sectors/aluminium-industry/




アクティブな1 year, 3 months前