We have made necessary updates to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You can view the full details here: Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The new terms and privacy policy go into effect on August 10th 2016, your continued use of myMoleskine confirms your agreement to these terms. If you have any questions please contact us at: privacy@moleskine.com. close

We started our grand Alaska adventure by visiting and hiking the Matanuska Glacier and jumping on the Denali Highway for a 135 mile journey along some of the most pristine and wild country anyone could image. Denali Highway is lightly traveled, mostly gravel road with a posted speed limit of 30 mph and is just a spectacular drive. Traveling this you get a real feel for the wildness and immensity of Alaska, and ending at Denali National Park you’re treated to “the Great One” Mount Denali.





