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What is your art form?

Whether you are a sketcher, videomaker, composer or photographer, post your #M_artcollection creations.
Expired on March 5th, 2014; scroll down to see the entries.


What is your art form?

Whether you are a sketcher, videomaker, composer or photographer, post your #M_artcollection creations. Comment and vote on other artworks, videos, images and designs and take part in the bi weekly #CreativityChallenge for the chance to win a special Moleskine package of Limited Editions, collectors’ items and even more tools for infinite creativity.

You have time until March 4th: If your submission gets the most votes we’ll send you a package full of Moleskine treats.

Expired on 5th March 2014. The winner of this Creativity Challenge is i Cenizal



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