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Part of a journal challange-what does summer mean to you?

From Livejournal:

“A spread done for a challenge over in my journal group, Embodiment.

The challenge was to do a spread of what summer meant to you.

…Ice cream cake, The Fourth of July, swimming, smoked salmon, fresh corn, fireflies..

And one day in particular, sacred to my patron deity, Lu.

Specifically, the drawings are significant to my spirituality, and how important it is to me, especially at this time of year. The color divider was actually taken from a picture of a blackberry ice cream cake-June 22nd is my birthday, so this is symbolic of that. And I love Blackberry pie/cake/cobbler. The salmon is a very big part of my summers-my grandfather fixes smoked salmon for “the kids” every summer when we go down to see him. Fresh corn/vegetables? That goes without saying, doesn’t it?

On the right page, the blue is obviously for water. Who doesn’t swim in the summer? (Unless you live REALLY far up north). And the red, white, and blue speak for themselves.”

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