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“… It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts for a couple of moments, and it was sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again.”

– A.J. Lawless, “Patience”

||| Originally posted on my blog on August 22th, 2016. Read more about it on 👉 eugeniaclara.com/post/149315302776

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  1. Gloria

    Patience is the ability to wait for something in a calm manner. It is a virtue, not a weakness. Being patient does not mean being passive or submissive; rather, it means engaging the world actively and being ready to act at the right time. Patience has many benefits. It can help you avoid rash decisions, make you more resilient in facing difficulties and allow you to be more productive by reducing stress. Now I want to visit https://theglammomstyle.com/articles/ website to find an excellent writer for my essay that I have to write about this topic.

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