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  1. Wimberleyson

    Hikaku sittater, which means “height compression,” refers to the visual distortion that occurs when the vertical elements or objects in an image or video are compressed or squished, typically due to improper resizing or scaling. This phenomenon can distort the original proportions of visual content, making objects appear shorter and wider than they should be. Height compression can affect the overall quality and accuracy of images and videos, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the correct aspect ratio during editing and resizing processes to ensure that the content accurately reflects the intended message and visual aesthetics.

  2. jerry

    This phenomenon can distort the original proportions of visual content, making objects appear shorter and wider than they should be. Height compression can affect the overall quality and accuracy of images and videos, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the correct aspect ratio during editing firafollower apk and resizing processes to ensure that the content accurately reflects the intended message and visual aesthetics.


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