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Well, this is one interesting “test” result 😀 Can’t say I don’t like it, though 😉
Dogs, creativity, sketches, books, illustration, tattoos and all that good stuff 😀

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    “Hamletic Analog,” what an intriguing and unexpected title! It certainly piques my curiosity, leaving me eager to explore and uncover the mysteries it holds. Sometimes, the most unconventional titles lead to the most captivating stories.

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    Acrylic paint: Choose a high-quality acrylic paint in the desired color. Acrylic paints are readily available at art supply stores and come in a wide range of colors.
    Airbrush medium or thinner: How to make airbrush paint medium or thinner helps to thin the acrylic paint to the proper consistency for airbrushing. It also helps improve the flow and atomization of the paint.


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