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Après avoir demandé à mes abonnés instagram des mots (pour chaque lettre de l’alphabet) résumant leur année 2020, j’ai décidé de faire cet abécédaire en liant iconographies, données chiffrées et couleurs. Toutes les lettres et définitions sont à la plume!


  1. akbarali

    A personal chef in Barcelona brings the essence of Catalan cuisine right to your doorstep, offering a bespoke culinary experience tailored to your tastes and dietary preferences. With a deep understanding of local ingredients and culinary traditions, these culinary maestros curate menus that showcase the vibrant flavors and rich heritage of Barcelona’s gastronomy. Whether it’s an intimate dinner for two or a family celebration, a personal chef transforms your home into a gourmet haven, where every dish is prepared with precision and passion. From paellas bursting with seafood to tapas brimming with flavor, each meal becomes a sensory journey through Barcelona’s culinary landscape. With a personal chef, every dining experience in Barcelona becomes an unforgettable celebration of food, culture, and togetherness.


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