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A Portrait of power – what can’t be washed: Madonna – {$M} – Limited Edition of 10 Dıgıtal Collage by Leni Smoragdova

Original Created:2014

Materials: Paper, Plastic, Metal

Prolong the Transaction Art ideas.
We are all essentially hidden faces.
Psychological portraits of people, political and public figures or events that are hidden from the public eye.
“Cynicism has finally gone out of fashion, the cult of personality has turned to dust. The ideas of Beauty, the ideal personality, super personality became like caught mice with which the cat plays. “What cannot be hidden: these portraits make it possible to extract some sensations from the plane, the dead surface of modern life.”
I mourn the loss of privacy. No theories: only life, and what is hidden behind it {$M}

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  1. Nutri

    I think that this project will be really good because it will help people learn more about the history of their own country, as well as other countries. The more we know about our past, the better we can understand our present and make good decisions in the future. Visit this https://www.bloggang.com/viewdiary.php?id=phugamon&month=06-2010&date=30&group=5&gblog=2 site for best portrait. Portrait of Power is a great initiative because it gives people an opportunity to learn about other cultures and how their lives are different from ours.


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