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Beauty or Beast? Pick your side.

Enter our #M_PickYourSide Creativity Challenge by representing the beauty or the beast set free by your imagination. Entries close on 30th March 2017.

Beauty or Beast? Pick your side.

When it comes to creativity does the beauty or the beast that live in you prevail? The time has come to pick your side.

To welcome our new Moleskine Beauty and the Beast Limited Edition notebooks we ask you to join our Creativity Challengesimply pick your beauty or beast side and sketch away.

Once you’ve made your decision, draw, sketch, hack your notebook or take a video or photo that represents your beauty or your beast, upload it on myMoleskine using the tag #M_PickYourSide for your chance to receive a box of #Moleskine tools to enhance your creativity, including a notebook from the new Beauty and the Beast Limited Edition collection.

Entries closed on 30th March 2017.
The winner of this Creativity Challenge is Jazmine Lares.


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  1. Maira

    I was looking for help in economics dissertation assistance and found an expert who gave me quality work. The link is given below so the people can take benefit. I have a friend who makes creative craft. I wasn’t familiar with this so I asked her and then she told me that, if Arts and Crafts and STEAM got married and had a baby, the kid’s name would be: Creative Crafting. In a Creative Crafting class, kids work with different materials and create interesting crafts, toys or games. The crafts are based on STEAM-principles and develop important super skills in kids.


  2. Bailey

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