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Oil Painting in my Moleskine sketchbook!!


  1. Husnain

    The world divides us by color, region, religion and further by language. It takes not one but many notions to ensure these divides persist, but just one resolve to transcend and realize what is true, real and pure – the power of love.

    “Harphoul Mohini” stay right in the heart of this conflict.

    Harphoul Mohini

  2. Alberto

    I’ve always loved drawing and sketching, so I thought it’d be fun to experiment with oil. I decided to start slowly by only drawing what I could see in front of me. Here you can follow https://www.cbd-uk.com/cbg-oil-uk/ and learn more new things about the oil company. Then, I moved onto general objects and concepts around my home, such as trees, plants, furniture and decorations. Once those were done, I moved on to random objects in our house — like the phone or microwave It’s fun seeing how different sketches look when traced over.

  3. goalken

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