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Lijiang is a so beautiful little city in the North-West of the Yunnan region, just close to Tibet of South-East, built at the foot of Yu Long Shan – The Mountain of the Jade Dragon.
One of the Lijiang peculiarity is the high numbr of bridges which cross all the city among streams and rivers, feature that made me think of Lijiang as the Venice of the East.
Water is life here! And all activities of everyday life are made in respect of water, as I tried to represent in this work, painting the San Yan Jing (literally the 3 Wells of Sight), where people use to take drinkable water, wash their vegetables and food and their clothes.
This is a watercolor and guache on the 1st Jap Moleskine of my Carnet de Voyage; text I had written with china inks is in Italian.

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