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Your planner halfway through 2018

The first half of 2018 is almost gone. For this Creativity Challenge, we're asking you to show us your diary or notebook six months into 2018.
Closed July 2018.

Your planner halfway through 2018

As you may have noticed myMoleskine challenges and activities were on hold for a bit and our journey together was momentarily interrupted. We were facing some technical issues which we are happy to let you know have now been cleared up.
So please start sharing your artwork and ideas, zany or inspired as they may be, with us and the community again – join the Halfway through Creativity Challenge:

The first half of 2018 is almost gone. Close to 180 days, hundreds of working hours or many miles of travel may already be behind you, but one thing’s always by your side – your Moleskine planner.
How does it look at the halfway mark? Is it battered and bruised, overflowing with loose papers and cards, or still in pretty good shape?

For this Creativity Challenge, we’re asking you to show us your diary or notebook six months into 2018.

If your submission is the best among the three most voted ones, we’ll send you a special package, filled with Moleskine treats.


Previous awarded participants

2017 winner was Megan Salerno
2016 winner was Alejandra Alzate
2015 winner was Marta Bettucci

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  1. romankondrat735

    Planning your day or month in advance is a wise habit to develop as it helps you to stay organized, manage your time effectively, and avoid unnecessary stress. Whether it’s a simple task like scheduling a trip to the barbershop https://premiumbarbershop.com/299-east-52nd-street/ or a more important appointment like a meeting or a doctor’s visit, planning ahead allows you to prepare for the event, allocate enough time for travel and avoid rushing. It also helps you to prioritize your tasks and make the most of your day or month, ensuring that you meet all your obligations and accomplish your goals. By planning ahead, you can reduce the likelihood of forgetting or missing an appointment, which can save you time, money and hassle in the long run.

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