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Cover your Moleskine notebooks with materials from your wardrobe!

What material from your wardrobe will you choose to cover your Moleskine Notebook?
Enter the creativity challenge by using the tag #M_RollingStones - Closed September 2017

Cover your Moleskine notebooks with materials from your wardrobe!

We are paying homage to one of the greatest bands of all times, the Rolling Stones, with a new Limited Edition collection and here’s your chance to receive a copy delivered right to your door!

To celebrate our latest Moleskine Limited Edition Notebooks dedicated to the world famous band Rolling Stones we ask you to get creative and bring your ideas that rock to create a craft made cover for your notebook with fabrics from your wardrobe.

Each of the four notebooks in the collection features the legendary Rolling Stones tongue icon on a different tactile material inspired by Mick Jagger’s extravagant wardrobe: denim, velvet, silk and the black faux leather material of the classic Moleskine notebook covers.

Show us your ordinary or extravagant wardrobe and cover your notebooks with your unique style to join this Creativity Challenge.

You can use the fabric from your favorite t-shirt or maybe from the coat you used to go to a concert, or perhaps that old jacket that you need to throw away because it doesn’t fit anymore, but you can’t bring yourself to do it because you shared so many memories. Choose any fabric or textile that expresses your identity and would make the perfect cover, wrap your notebook in it, and then upload a photo of your creation to your myMoleskine profile using the tag #M_RollingStones.

If your upload is the best among the 3 most voted ones, we’ll send you a box full of Moleskine goodness, including a copy of the brand new The Rolling Stones Limited Edition Collection.
Closed September 2017

The winner of this Creativity Challenge is Mari Carmen Gimeno with the upload #M_RollingStones Fabric Cover


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