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In case of loss

With the occasion of the launch of the Moleskine ID bags collection, we invite you to join our #InCaseofLoss Creativity Challenge and get creative when filling your reward ideas. Entries close on 21st March.

In case of loss

We are excited to introduce you to our new #Moleskine ID bags collection: designed to be a natural extension of your identity on the move. With the occasion we invite you to join our #InCaseofLoss Creativity Challenge.

Show us what you’d give to who finds (and returns) your ID bag, notebook or #Moleskine object if you ever happened to lose it. As it turns out, some people really get creative on the “In Case of Loss” tag or page of their notebooks, with rewards ranging all the way from eternal gratitude, to love, to a pint or a special dance!

Be creative with your reward and its interpretation, upload your sketched or written reward using the tag #InCaseofLoss for your chance to receive a box of Moleskine supplies including a brand new ID bag from the collection. To see the full #M_IDbags collection click here.

Entries close on 21st March. Only one entry per author. Artworks submitted for previous creativity challenges will be discarded.

The winner of this creativity challenge is: Sharon Spears, congratulations! 


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